
For the last few months, I have hosted a meeting which takes place every couple of weeks or so the prime aim of which is to question many of the things which we take for granted as part of our human experience.

We have explored in detail topics such as, what are the things that we blame ourselves for and why ultimately, no one is to blame for anything, to the ways in which we attempt to grasp control when all of the evidence from our experience, is that we have no control over anything.

We have explored how the tone of our own hearts sounds, and what it might say, as opposed to the usual tone with which we speak to ourselves, and the never ending ways in which our minds tell us we are just no good.

It really is one of the pleasures of my life (as well as a profound surprise for one who until relatively recently had not the faintest idea what, or interest in, mindfulness, or spirituality, whatever you may wish to call it), to host these evenings.

I have the same experience when having the very good fortune to speak one on one, not only with the participants of our small group, but also with others who I have been fortunate enough to meet over these past years.

What has struck me recently, is just how nourishing these meetings and these conversations are.

The of this gathering, or sangha, is The Soul Cafe.

Being honest, I just thought it sounded good - there was no in depth analysis - I just liked the name.

As it turns out, the name appears entirely apt, completely appropriate.

In exploring these topics, above all else what we do is share our experiences of life.

What is so special however (and again this is not by design but by Grace) is that we can be completely open, completely authentic, and completely vulnerable.

We can be ourselves knowing that those who are with us will listen without judgement, or expectation and that we can be free to be exactly as we are.

And in that experience, there can be healing, an expansion of our compassion for ourselves and for others, and real deepening of what it is to have this human experience in the midst of all of this utter insanity.

There is much in this life which can drain us, can waste so much of our precious energy, that can deplete even our thirst for life itself.

I have discovered and enjoyed so much over the past years, whilst on this path.

There are so many things for which I am grateful, so many gifts which have appeared.

I may or may not ever become fully “enlightened” (I’m not sure I even know what that is supposed to mean anymore) - that like everything else is completely out of my hands.

But I am very aware of what Life itself has given me.

And the nourishment I experience from being in the company of like open minded, open hearted people is right up there with the very best.

I hope you may find that which nourishes you.


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