Random stuff

I know Random Stuff may be a strange title but at present it’s the best I can do - so it will have to suffice for the present!

Over the years I have made many notes in many notepads without ever managing to fill any of them.

When I look back at them which I do from time to time, some of them seem naive, some a little silly and some downright yuck - too schmaltzy or too full of spiritual drivel.

Some however do still speak to me - rarely in the way they did when I wrote them for I was a different person in a different place at that time - which is the same for all of us as we are all ever changing from moment to moment.

So whilst I have absolutely zero control over how they will be recived by you (or even if you will read them), I do hope some of them may speak to you.

I have many notepads so this theme may contnue for some time - who knows, not I.

How does anything compare to “I am grateful”?

How might it be if there was no need to be right or wrong about anything?

No opinions

No beliefs

No good or bad

No should or shouldn’t

No judgements

No expectations

No way to be whatsoever

Just present

Life is free of definition

You are free of definition


Spirituality is:

“A deep and profound exploration of our subjective sense of being”


“These roses under my window make no reference to former roses or to better ones:

They are for what they are:

They exist with God today.

There is no time to them.

There is simply the Rose:

If is perfect in every moment of its existence”





the Gift of Suffering