A Tangerine View

Hello and Welcome to the very first Tangerine Sky newsletter.

My apologies for the slight delay – whilst the new web site is up, my technical IT abilities are still a work in progress – I appear to be still at the stage where I can spend a lot of time fiddling around – in Adobe Express for example, trying to produce a professional looking newsletter only to find I appear to have three pages rather than one and then stuff gets deleted by mistake, leaving not a trace of its whereabouts .

Hey ho and there ya go.

At some point hopefully this may come to pass but for the time being you may have to accept the news in this format – but I hope you will find it of some value even without some nice pictures to interrupt the text.

Self- Enquiry is a journey inside.

Most of us, most of the time, are completely caught up with what is happening on the outside. The drama of our lives makes the most compelling viewing (all hail soaps and reality TV).

Yet, in being so caught up with the outside, we neglect the inside – when what is happening on the inside is far more importance and which will change your experience of the outside.

We constantly look outside ourselves for happiness and fulfilment.

Most of us are prone to playing the “I’ll be happy when….” game. But we never seem to get there , or if we do the happiness is fleeting and we are left seeking more.

In order to be happy, we first have to be happy with ourselves.

This is something many of us find remarkably difficult for a variety of reasons.

Why is this so difficult? Why do we find it so difficult to see all of our fine attributes – those which others will readily pick up in you? Why do we find it so much easier to identify our faults?

This appears to be the human condition and its effect is easy to spot – globally.

 What is on offer at Tangerine Sky is the opportunity to go within, to gain a deep understanding of yourself and to realise and truly appreciate those fine attributes.

You may then gift to yourself the kindness, the love, the compassion, the deep connection and the understanding we all so desperately crave.

I am far from the finished product – I get caught out every day. I have no idea whether I will make it to the finish line – or even if there is a finish line – but my own direct experience is that my internal view of myself has changed and with it, my experience of life.

I see with absolute clarity that the world is nothing like that which my mind would have me believe.

Life is a precious gift and there can be so much to appreciate along the way but which can be easily overlooked.

I am nothing but an ordinary person (though even as I type I no longer recognise such a thing as an “ordinary person”) - so if it is possible for me, it is most certainly possible for anyone. 

The Essence of Self–Enquiry

Are you really who you think you are?

Have you ever even stopped to consider that question?

I am not referring to the various roles which you may play – father, mother, son, daughter, friend, boss, employee and on and on.

And we will play a variety of different roles each and every day.

So, we will behave (in the most obvious example) differently as a parent than as a child.

You may also see that you play the same role differently over time – the role you play as a parent to a new-born will be different to that which you play when they are a child and will be different again to the role you play when they become teenagers.

So, which of these roles is the real you?

Aside from our roles, and from a different perspective, as human beings, our primary identification is with our body, our mind and our emotions.

The story is, “I am this body with this mind and these emotions.”

But which body?

The body you had when you were born, the one you have now or the one you will have in the future.

 In fact, as millions of cells are born and die each and every moment, you will not have the same body when you have finished reading this as you did when you started.

The same can be said of your mind or thoughts – which of the 60,000-80,000 thoughts you have each day (most of which are subconscious) are you?

And of course, the same can be said of our emotions which change like the wind. You may for example, find that you are happier on a Friday afternoon than on a Monday morning.

So, are these emotions who you really are?

If all of these things which are in constant flux, are who you are not,

 Is there something that does not change?

 This is what we are here to uncover.


This is the essence of Self-Enquiry.








A Time to heal
