A Time to heal

Only Love can Conquer Hate

A few years ago, I was privileged to be on a retreat with Ely Jaxon Bear and in his opening comments said something which has remained with me ever since.


“How” he asked, “is it possible to be happy when there is so much suffering in the world?”


A fair question given the endless suffering which appears to be consuming so much of the world even as I type these words.


“The answer”, he said is that “your suffering is not going to make the world a better place. But your love, your kindness and compassion are the things which will.”

One of the few universal truths is that everyone wants to be happy.

Why then is it, in this twenty first century does happiness seem so elusive for so many?

Material wealth certainly does not appear to be the answer – America, the richest nation on the planet is plagued by mass shootings in schools, an epidemic of addiction and mental health issues and a political system which appears to be close to ripping itself apart at the seams.

The current wars in Ukraine and the Middle East are heart breaking. The needless loss of human life and the horror and suffering are almost unspeakable.


Whilst we may consider ourselves to be superior, the reality is that humans are no different from every other living organism on the planet.

 We are designed, like every other organism, by evolution, specifically for the survival of our species.

 So, in the same way that even the corona virus mutates in order to survive, so we will do most anything in order for us to survive.

 This would be all well and good if humanity acted as one for the common good and for the benefit of all (including the planet and all the species we share this planet with).

 But this is clearly not the case – in fact, to me it is one of the ultimate ironies that we are decimating the planet and killing each other by the millions, from the subconscious intention of trying to keep ourselves safe.

 Our minds are the home of fear and doubt. We (subconsciously) take all that has happened to us in our lives and use that to develop strategies to keep ourselves safe.

 For the egoic mind, we are the centre of our universe – whatever happens, you will only experience this within the confines of your own mind.

 The ego is therefore primarily concerned with you, and your life.

 From this springs forth the belief that if someone has a different belief than you, whether it be religious, political, cultural, or the colour of your skin or which side of the border you were born on, then they are a potential threat from which we must defend ourselves.

 The result of these beliefs are the root cause of all conflict.

If we are to survive, it we are going to leave our children with a world which is worth living in, then something radical must change.

 Has the time not come for us to develop a deep understanding of ourselves and from that an understanding of others.

 Is it not time for us to be compassionate and kind to ourselves and then, be compassionate and kind to others?

 Is it not time for us to heal?

 My own experience of Self Enquiry is to have discovered and developed the ability to be kind and tender with myself, to see myself with clarity and compassion, to accept myself with all of the faults that my ego tells me I possess and to love myself fully and without reservation.

 And from that place I can greet the world in a like manner.

 I do not see any magic wands appearing – this can only happen one person at a time deciding they wish to heal and make the world a better place.

 I hope you will join me so that, one day, in the words of John Lennon,

“The World Can Live As One”.





in Praise of joy


A Tangerine View